In depth information about Kanaal
Longreads, press articles, signature apartments, interviews and future developments

"Kanaal", une oasis de beauté et d’art près d’Anvers
Axel Vervoordt has completed his great project "Kanaal", in Wijnegem as an island where art, nature and beauty come together. A whole residential and cultural complex along the canal, in a former industrial site.

Kanaal, le nouvel îlot résidentiel et culturel de la ville d’Anvers
Ten years of restoration work on a former industrial complex have now enabled the Belgian family business Axel Vervoordt Company to inaugurate the Kanaal complex, a veritable 55,000 m² village on the edge of Antwerp.

There are already many excellent old house renovation cases. Most of them refurbish the interiors of old houses in the past to make them look new. Some more powerful renovations can even give new residential functions. But have you ever heard of the transformation of an entire super-large winery into a new community?

A culture hub born from industrial bones
An ambitious cultural and residential complex near Antwerp – has finally opened to the public after 18 years in the making.

Bogdan & Van Broeck interview
Bogdan & Van Broeck Architects are responsible for the Cubes and the new Atelier. In this video the architects share their vision and experiences on the project. It is [ Dutch spoken with English subtitles.]