Wie Axel Vervoordt eine Malzfabrik in Antwerpen in seine Traumstadt verwandelte
by Andreas Kühnlein on ad-magazin.de
Axel Vervoordt spent two decades planning his Utopia near Antwerp: Kanaal is an ideal neighborhood that combines art and life - and celebrates retreat in a special way.
It's a long story. It has been going on for 20 years to be precise. Or 161, depending on where you want to start. In 1998 Axel Vervoordt bought a piece of an old malt distillery near Antwerp, built in 1857. In the course of two decades, in which Vervoordt bought more and more of the area until it finally belonged to him completely, a unique conglomerate of top-class art, architecture and industrial history grew up here. And you can also live on the 55,000 square meters of grain silos and department stores with a view of the leisurely flowing Albert Canal.