Landscape design
Determined by the existing architecture
One of the main premises to develop a unique urban project was a completely new approach to landscape design.
A better integration of nature in urban developments is what we still consider as one of the key objectives.
The foundation of this work was layed in 2008 in collaboration with Michel Desvigne Landscape architects. Today nature can flourish at a site that was once an industrial brownfield. A brief insight in the concept and approach of landscape design at Kanaal.
Sketch main concept by Desvigne 2008
The site is strongly defined by its industrial character: colossal silos and red-brick buildings give the area a distinct identity. Hence, what is required for our project is to create a unique sphere that is capable of using that industrial character to the best possible advantage, as well as to felicitously incorporate a mixed and integrated plan that gathers together into one entity offices, workshops, residential and exhibition areas in order to create a true vibrant neighbourhood atmosphere.
Consequently, the project draws a distinction between a more public space around the workshops and the offices and a more private section around the residential quarters.
Landscape architect Michel Desvigne uses overwhelming greenery and instinctive connections between all volumes to allow that a unique atmosphere joins again all vast elements and to allow rich oxygen to take possession of the distances in between them.
The urbanistic choices made in the master plan and architectural designs, led to the formation of a relatively densely grouped set of buildings, arranged in staggered rows, and separated by shared courtyards.
For Desvigne, it was essential that this architectural composition did not lead to the fragmentation of the landscape. “In a certain way, we proposed the introduction of an opposite set of measures: what was intended to be a network of gardened courtyards became a large landscape within which the buildings seem to have been placed.”
The landscape, freed from geometric constraints and from adhering to the typology of the urban courtyard, presents a softer, more open, and more permeable matrix. Rather than worrying about the creation of a formally hierarchical composition or about an aesthetic style, we set out to define rich and complex textures from a multiplicity of elements. The park is based on the miniaturization of the veritable surrounding forests. A work of transposing to the smaller neighborhood scale therefore becomes necessary.
Indeed, if at the scale of a vast territory the coexistence of numerous plant varieties, mingling together very different textures, colors, and substances, takes on coherence, their concentration within a small space would be relatively incoherent and aesthetically shocking. The work therefore consisted in a precise botanical selection envisaging smooth transitions that would allow for the landscaped whole to remain both readable and adaptable to its usage. The sought after ornamental effect comes from this wealth of textures, and from the commitment to mastering the landscape complexity in close connection with the surrounding built environment.
Different sized trees, shrubs, ground cover, were chosen before being the subject of compositional work. The task here lay in sculpting the vegetal mass, stratum by stratum, from precise designs. The setting up of wooded areas and pathways is subtly achieved in accordance with the presence of vis-à-vis, light, views, as well as through the preservation of intimacy for the residential buildings.
Organic paths with natural flow
Rather than follow an ordered configuration, the pathways are arranged like furtive passages that bring to mind certain forest roads. Their erosion is accepted in advance. Their completion in concrete, without clear boundary or edge, demonstrates a certain rustic character. By their very technique, they evoke more a landscape than a garden.
Preserve privacy
Meadows and small woods surround the constructions, which gives the habitants the privacy in their green surrounded nests. The high trees and hornbeams, with a wild subvegetation consisting of a variety of ferns, moss and small woodflowers, welcome into the site the nextdoor nature of the valley of Schijn.
Secret garden
Connected to the Vervoordt foundation's museum, a secret garding is hanging above the quay of the canal and offers a superb view at the woods at the border. A simple fencing protects the site, while some trees broke out and are rooted in the cobble-stones of the pedestrian path along the Stokerijstraat.
Water surround the installation of Anish Kapoor
In the physical centre of the Kanaal site is a large building with a circular room that was historically used as a storage space for grain that arrived to the neighboring canal by boat. In 2000, Anish Kapoor’s “At the Edge of the World” was permanently installed there following its acquisition by the Vervoordt family.
All green roofs
Because of the different heights and the atypical implantation of the buildings on the site, many apartments have a view over the roofs of other buildings. With the installation of green roofs on every building the aesthetic aspects for every resident have been preserved.
Although installation of a green roofs involves higher upfront costs than a traditional roof, there are also many economic benefits that improve the quality of living and property value.
A positive impact on maintenance
A more organic and naturual green landscape that has it’s place on the site also results in less labourintensive maintenance
By accepting a biodiversity of plants, no ‘perfect’ hedges to be trimmed the architecture gets a counter balance and costs for maintenance are lower.
Getting more beautiful every day
The green landscape at Kanaal is getting more beautiful every day.
Nature getting more rich and diverse as it keeps growing an finding it’s way on the site.
Changing and growing with the seasons, our best advice; come and experience yourself.